May 12, 2005

Another Productive Day (Not)

Scribes at Work also has this post

Week Two

Thursday – Put on my headphones and turned on my iPod. I closed my eyes and allowed the music to deaden the world around me, to transport me to another surreal dimension. I can see the reality around me but strangely, I’m not part of it. I’m merely a life observer. My brain has softened and my senses have dulled. My imagination peeks it’s head around the corner to see if the coast is clear. Then the entity begins a slow gyration with the music, the rhythm frees it’s inhibitions and the ideas gush forth.

The music that teleports me to this other dimension is called trance music. The music is just that; it’s a repetition of beats and palpitations; it’s a relentless, throbbing energy that I can simply immerse myself in. Why trance? Because it’s energetic, vibrant and instantaneous, like juice that flows through jumper cables and sparks an engine to life.

The music, coupled with a tall White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks on an empty stomach, makes my whole body tingle, my heart race and my breath feel constricted and narrow, like I’m breathing through a straw.

I wrote an entire outline in under an hour.

Friday – Settled on a primary plot: Discovery

Flirted with my muse but she wasn’t playing. Little imp.

(My muse looks like tinkerbell with an attitude)

Hence, I got nothing done. However, I did open my spiral-bound index card thingie and looked through it. Wow. Did I write those ideas? I don’t recall. Is that a sign of getting older or is my muse playing with me again. Hhmm…

Saturday – Day before Mother’s Day.

Are you kidding?! I thought about writing, does that count?

Sunday – Mother’s Day - Was spoiled rotten and spent waaaay too much time goofing off and doing nothing productive.

I live for days like today. :)

Monday – Completed a project that has been a thorn in my side for quite some time. I felt good about this because now it paves the way for more thorns.

Lucky me.

Caught up on the chores I usually do on Sunday.

Tuesday – Got serious and realized I only have two more days to get something written before having to present myself to the world again on Thursday with egg on my face.


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