April 29, 2005

Christmas in April

Christmas in April Posted by Hello

Every spring, our county library hosts a book sale. To me, it’s like Christmas in April. I LOVE THE BOOK SALE.

I love walking in and seeing tables filled with books for as far as the eye can see. I love the musty smell…


of the paperbacks…


and the dusty book covers..


and the type of people who haunt these book sales…

*sniffsniff - blow*

not to mention the cheap prices - fifty cents for paperbacks, a $1.00 on hardback books and slightly more for newer books. I love the whole book atmosphere.

When I went yesterday (did I mention that was my second trip?) I was amazed to see the amount of shopping carts roaming the aisles. Most of them belonged to little old women with long skirts and protruding bellies. But bless their hearts they were my people!


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